
Mother's Boy - Home Town

  Mother's Boy are an exciting band of experienced musicians from the Worthing area. Having seen them live, the only way I can describe their genre is 'original party band'! Even though I didn't know any of the songs, they still feel familiar because they just seem to hit the spot that makes you want to tap your feet and bop your head. When you press play on this song, it starts with a snare-led drum beat for four bars before the rest of the instruments come in. This is a classy way to start a song - Queen did it, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, even Michael Jackson and Paul Simon. You can tell that these guys grew up listening to alternative 90s music as it has that Britpop vibe to it, probably because of the instrument line up of guitars, bass, drums and various vocals. There are some moments of great vocal harmonies and the turnaround has a catchy 'ooh' that will be the main part of the song I imagine people will end up humming along to. Side note - words like ooh

Sherylee Headington - Little Miss Anxious

If you've heard Headington's previous releases you'll recognise her distinctive child-like sweet vocal, but that would be the only giveaway. Departing from her usual acoustic style, Little Miss Anxious is Headington's nod to Beach Bunny, her absolute favourite artist and influence. With heavy drums, driving guitars and a vocal that's almost swallowed up by the instruments, you can hear this influence showing through clearly. Lyrically, the song is about the frustrations surrounding anxiety and being 'that person' who worries about everything. Does anyone relate?! This is the anthem for you! I can fully appreciate and understand how this feels, having experienced it myself - but pop this record on nice and loud, dance around the living room and find yourself a little LESS anxious than before. You can thank me later :)

Mike Fillery and the Other Two - Hello Ian

Listen here! 'Hello Ian, how you doin'?' Trust Mike Fillery (and the other two) to present us with such a class offering for the spooky season! This song is a cross between a parody and a genuine Halloween song. With nods to a variety of notable classics (Thriller, Monster Mash to name a couple), sound effects a'plenty and just general silliness, this track makes me smile. The lyrics conjure a very realistic picture of what Halloween is all about for those who enjoy celebrating - the dressing up, being with others, zombie dancing and hoping your face paint washes off before you have to go back to work! Very similar in commercial style to the rest of their catalogue, Mike Fillery and his bandmates have hit the mark here for a catchy song that sticks. Definitely a keeper for all those Halloween playlists out there - go ahead and add it! 

James McCauley - I shouldn't love you (but I do)

When we came out of lockdown (who even dares speak that word these days, it's history!) we had the privilege of putting on some summer sessions in the garden of what was The Grand Victorian Hotel, now known as The Railway opposite Worthing station. James McCauley was one of the artists who came and played a slot for us. Back then he was playing solo and every song came with a story that made the songs intriguing to listen to. James is now pushing forward on the music scene, mainly in the Brighton area, with a full band sound. I'm not entirely sure which genre I could place this song in; it's a ballad really, with built up instrumentation playing around a four chord sequence. McCauley has a particular strumming pattern that makes his songs easily identifiable and this is no exception (if you listen through his catalogue, you will understand what I mean by this). The additional vocal harmonies and lead guitar really add a beautiful element to the song. Hats off to Mike Sandem

Unörthadox - Say No

Listen here On first impression, I don't really know what to say about this rowdy bunch of teenagers, but their message is so important that I feel it needs to be spread. Unörthadox are a law unto themselves. The band name itself is both spelt incorrectly and the added umlaut on the ö should actually be pronounced 'er', so to begin with, we see two fingers up to convention. You would also usually expect released music to be recorded properly, but this song was recorded with a mic in the middle of the room and one on the kick drum, initially as a demo - but here we have it; live on all streaming platforms in all it's muffled, disorganised greatness. The lyrics are clear: say no to being what anyone else wants you to be. We do not want to conform. And Unörthadox certainly do not conform. Strong contenders on the contemporary punk scene, when performing live, frontman Jake gives this band a fascinating edge which keeps the viewer riveted. This doesn't quite

Miss Mathias - Vessel

  Miss Mathias has a very endearing and recognisable sound. Her voice has a purity that emulates the innocence of childhood and it draws you in from the start. On first listen to this song, I couldn't get enough - I had to keep replaying over and over, hearing more lyrics each time and feeling the depth of the subject. This song is about ' having someone you can hold on to when everything becomes a mess in your life' says Miss Mathias, who goes on to explain that she is grateful to her friends who pull her 'out of the slump'. I can fully appreciate this. As a woman who regularly finds myself overwhelmed with responsibilities it's easy to turn to slumping, but as my good friend Emily says, 'time to get the big girl pants on!' We all need these people in our lives - friends who don't let us spiral further, but give us the support we need to get back to the surface. And to have this message so beautifully portrayed by Miss Mathias' angelic voice is