Drat - Gin and Tinnitus

When you have a request for an album review from a drummer who plays in a Beatles tribute band with your son, these songs are not what you would expect. Drat is nothing like The Beatles, is the first thing I will say (with the small exception of First Person Shooters which does elude to this musical preference). But that's not a bad thing! In fact, I'm not sure I could quite place this album in a genre. There is a fair amount of straight-talking, in something that's not quite rap but also not quite spoken word either - realities of life, including having a lack of sleep, feeling like an idiot and a commentary of the writer's life, ironically titled 'No One Asked For Your Life Story'. This particular track gives you the context behind this album, the motivation for creating it and the process of doing so. My personal favourite is 'Tempo', that you can find on our new music playlist. This track is purely about the tempo, chosen by the writer, and his argument for keeping it as it is. A premise for a song that I would never have thought of myself, but its perhaps an appropriate choice for a musician whose primary instrument is drums! Overall, this album contains some excellent musicality topped off with equally stellar production, especially considering this was all created by one person from start to finish. An album that will have a firm place in my regular listening.