Spudgun Assassins - Running


I think I can speak for most people when I say that we all feel like we're running from something in our past! This song by four-piece Spudgun Assassins delves into the subject of demons, bad decisions and how we deal with it all. That's just life, isn't it? One way of coping is to write songs and this is a great example of catharsis right here. Starting with the vocal line 'I'm running - running from my demons' panned left then right, moving past the listener, drops us straight into this rock song with appropriately shouty vocals. It sounds as though the vocalist is severely frustrated at themselves and this comes across in the delivery, particularly during the chorus with the words 'bad decisions' that stab through with layers of vocal harmony. The arrangement and production of this track are expertly done, with well mixed and well played instruments. The bass cuts through perfectly and the guitar riffs are catchy, putting this song firmly in a position to be added to classic rock playlists.