Wiffs - Ecto

With three albums already under his belt, you would think that electronic music producer Will Griffin has been doing this for years, but you would be mistaken. Aged only 19 and having just moved to Worthing, Wiffs (as he chooses to be known) has sent in this well crafted piece that sits well as part of his growing catalogue of released music, and will be part of a new project entitled 'Swimming in butterflies, drowning in moths'. If you're hoping for a melody and lyrics then you've come to the wrong place - but there are times and places for instrumental pieces, and this is one of them. I find that I can only concentrate on work if I'm listening to music without any lyrics because they distract me, so I'd say this is the perfect accompaniment to writing an essay or composing an important email. I enjoy the dynamics and movement of the looped samples/instruments used, layered up well to create the tension and release of a good arrangement. As for meaning, that is down to the listener.