Mailman - Watch the World

Horsham based Mailman brings protest in this song which takes the listener on a journey of frustration at the 'walking disasters' and 'fascist enablers' who live among us. Watch the World is prog-orchestral and is taken from the upcoming album 'The Lighthouse and The Rocks'. Immediately we're presented with a jarring timing that I struggle to work out (is it 13/8?!) but reminds me of how confused but equally enthralled I can sometimes be listening to Dream Theater! However, Mailman does bring the dynamic right down with a much easier foot-tapping 6/4, building to a violent crescendo before plummeting back into the same tricky timing. This is indicative of the emotions we can often feel when faced with circumstances beyond our control and really leaves me with a feeling of unease. As strongly as music can be used to evoke heart swelling emotion, it can also fuel angst and this is a prime example.