Jean Jacquet - Day Dream


Jean Jacquet are an exciting outfit to appear in Worthing. Emerging from Northbrook College in Durrington, they are a band who embrace a multi-genre ethos - no two songs are similar, as can be proven by this track standing alongside their previous release, Psychopath. Unusually for a song from modern times where everyone seems to be in a rush to showcase the hookiest part of their song from the outset, the vocals do not come in until after a lengthy intro at 1:45 (well if Pink Floyd can do it..?). This gives the opportunity for the bass and guitar to have a prominent feature before the song really kicks in. With a clear arrangement using verses, choruses and a middle 8, this track is full of dynamic changes, including a fun key change for a final chorus which is another feature that we don't get to see often with modern music. These guys have certainly taken tips from bands that span the decades and we hope it pays off for them. We had the privilege of seeing Jean Jacquet live at East Beach Studios yesterday and when they started playing this I immediately recognised it - that's the sign of a great song!