Damon Brock - Summer Days


This is the epitome of a feel-good summer tune! Deviating from the obvious verse/chorus structure that we are so used to hearing, this song instead contains three verses, with a melody that builds towards the end of each one. Damon explores some great chord progressions to support this melody, moving from the major to minor as he weaves the story of someone reminiscing about a short-lived summer fling. While the song at it's roots is well written, the arrangement and subsequent production is also expertly crafted by Steve Baker, with a vibe akin to Harry Styles' 'As It Was', using a fun sweeping synth riff that repeats regularly throughout alongside a lead guitar line, almost in replacement of a chorus. If you enjoy this tune, then here's some good news - it forms part of an EP that will be released later in the year so there is more to come!